Yes what lovely sunny weather we are having right now....
Things have shot up in the garden since our bit of rain last week and yesterday I realised my peony has some lovely big blooms this year. So I decided to snap them and bits of the garden.
My border is springing into life

Hubbie has just arrived home and now got his garden hat on and is tying things back so I just took these in time... hee hee!! Lots of string would now be in these photos.
Here is my Hosta which we have in pots to help discourage snails and slugs but it doesn't always work.
And the other border is looking a bit bedraggled as the tulips have started dying back now but the roses have started along with a few foxgloves and lupins..
The rose on the fence behind will be awash with red roses by this time next month, always by my daughter Billie's birthday on the 24th June. One or two have started to appear.... I love it and the clematis which runs through it will have big very pale pink flowers too.
This is the view from my patio (excuse washing line I'm just about to put my washing out) which is much lower than the rest of the garden.... the 'hubster' terraced the garden when we originally moved in which is nearly 30yrs ago.
He does most of the gardening now as he loves it.... I enjoy being in it and being foreman of where I want new things to go, of course! 😊
So that's my garden in the sun today...
E x