Friday, 8 September 2017

First page complete....

Yes here is my first journal page which is completely finished..... Yay!!!

I have others in various stages of completion but I am pretty happy with this one...

TIME - Week 25
(with a little steampunkesque to it)

I have joined a group on fb called Art Journal Prompts. Each week they have a new prompt (usually just one word) and you make a page using the prompt.

So 'Time' was a past weeks' prompt (25) but I had already started this page so I thought it fitted the prompt well.

The groups admin is called Nina Ribena who is in the UK so that's great as I understand where she gets her 'stuff' from which is so helpful. I found her YouTube channel and it's very inspirational and she always makes a video for each weeks prompt as well as other ones on various art journalling processes etc.

I'm enjoying this group and hope to do more prompts soon.

This week's is Nature so will love this one.... now to decide what to do!! 😆😆😆

Till next time

E x