Sunday, 19 February 2012

Busy Weaving!!

I am busy beavering away at jewellery right now!!  I am afraid I've not been in the workshop this year at all, well only to get things out of it, I am missing it and want to rectify that over the weekend and get some beads made!

I have some new gemstones I have been using and just love them!!  I kinda missed them and am enjoying using them in various necklaces and stretchy bracelets once again!!  I have even been making rings, I make rings very rarely but I have got inspired and am really loving giving it a try.

They aren't quite ready yet but when I have one finished I WILL show you!!  Promise!!!

I have also had a little dabble at using weaving techniques using tigertail or beading wire!!

Porcelain Weave Necklace

This one has Porcelain Jasper and Black Onyx in a 3 bead weave, then I finish it with various different shapes of jasper.

I did purchase rather a large selection of the Porcelain Jasper so this was another necklace made using different chains.

Draped in Porcelain

I love the loopy chain which is a totally separate chain necklace so it can be worn with or without it.

I will list it on my website very soon.

I do intend to start using gemstones and my own beads together in my jewellery so they will be making an appearance together soon.

I have also had a little go at wire weaving techniques from my new books, will show them soon too.

Now then my main dilemma at present is my backdrop for my photos.

I need some new ideas of what to do, what to use and do I give it a sort of theme really!! 

I am so rubbish at coming up with themes for that type of thing.  I want something that will show off my jewellery and beads to the best effect but also give it some sort of elegant/sophicated look but also interesting and not bland like they are now!! 

I need new props I think??  My slate is great for certain colours and I like their rustic feel but for darker colours its no good, what to use??

I have tried open books with the piece in the middle on the writing I was quite pleased with those but I do need some other ideas.

If you have any ideas please help!!!

Off now, see you again soon.

Elaine  x

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