Thursday, 29 March 2012

Torch Fired UP for 2012!!

Yes siree!! I cant believe how long its been since I have been at my torch, when I finally got out to my workshop, dusted off the cobwebs and set my baby alight ~ it felt so goooood!!

I seemed to have lost some confidence in myself but I kicked my own butt and got myself walking up the garden on a mission to make cabs for my customer. 

She purchased Pinkii from me to make into a ring and found when she received it she wasnt to sure if she liked the silver infused finished that the gunmetal glass creates on the surface.

So I told her I would be happy to make her a new one with a different black base glass.  Oh can I change the pink to turquoise/blue, no problem!!

So here is Blueii, cant wait to see what my customers' creation turns out like!! 

So torch is fired up, kiln dusted off and now I must get cracking and


Only after my stinker of a cold has disappeared!!  On my second box of tissues already!!!

Boo hoo!!

Till next time!

E x

Sunday, 11 March 2012

Rings R Us

Yep ~ the old ring mandrel has been out AGAIN!!  I am enjoying experiementing with different types of rings.   

arent my hands wrinkly!!!

I am sure its a little unbalanced but I do think I like the idea of this one. I am not sure about the bead as it is a white quartz with a mystic coating on, (you can see it more in the top photo)  ~ its the hole, it is very transparent and very obvious you can see the wire showing through which I don't think I like!!

This one I used the basket weave, this is a bit harder to do as you work with 3 main wires but I got the hang of it in the end.  The main wires I used 1.25mm (18ga) copper wire and wrapping/weaving wires were 0.4mm (26ga). Its quite difficult to finish using the 1.25mm as it doesn't lie so flat as the thinner wires.  I might try 1mm wire next time to see if it is just a strong and stable as the 1.25mm.  I love trying the different weaves I especially loved this one.  

I have made a few other rings since this one but I haven't taken pics of those yet.  And I am still working on a framework for a cabochon, cant let you see that one as it could be a tutorial for magazine.  I am working on other tuts right now as well have been given a theme to work on, so off now to do more research!

Catch up with you all soon.

E x