Monday, 25 November 2013

New Listings ~~~ Finally

Yes I have finally got to listing some jewellery into my ChatElaine Creations Etsy store.  My intentions are always good but get very sidetracked when I'm online (plus I have to admit I don't really enjoy listing it just takes such a long time!!!)

Tempest Seas in copper

So I will be trying to pop in a few things I made for Bead Magazine and maybe if I feel like making some earrings I will list those too.  I have been very off jewellery making lately, as I have been doing other things around the house instead! Like tidying up my work area and getting my beads storage more streamlined so I can actually find what I want, when I want it!

So Tempest Seas Pendant Necklace is now in my store, with copper wire and my own lampwork focal bead in it. I have one or two others to list still but I will get them up this week.

Cant believe how quickly Christmas is looming up, time to sort out my list to Santa, I think there will be tools on there somewhere! Ha ha!  80))

Till next time

E x


  1. That's beautiful Elaine and perfect for the CP FB page :) I will post it for you come and see

    Laney x

    1. Thank you Laney I am so rubbish at doing things like that. Much appreciated.xx


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