Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Busy Creating!

I cant believe how bad I have been,  I did promise to be good and up date more often but since I have had my new phone I have been whizzing around on that and neglecting everything I need to do here!!

So what have I been doing, well, I've been busy doing ~~~  various different things, like:

Pinterest ~ yes set up a new account  ChatElaine Wire and Fire

loving the storage of all sorts of fab photos around the net!

Come visit me there I have a new tab in my side bar too so you can visit me anytime you like

Flickr ~  ChatElaine Wire and Fire  ~~ I set up a new account just before christmas but never did too much to get it going ~~  I have been whizzing around finding contacts from my previous account (faerie wishes) I have shut my old one down but probably will only put more family orientated photos on there from now on.

Etsy ~  well you know I have two Etsy stores, I have been listing new jewellery and new beads too with more to come soon.

This one is in my jewellery shop ChatElaine Creations

I have new cabs and buttons in my bead shop ChatElaineGlassArt along with seascape beads and still more to come too.

I have been trying out shank type buttons too and here are my Hugs and Kisses set along with my toadstool as well.


I need to make more, more, more!!!! 

But life at home is very hectic at the moment and I just don't have enough hours in the day to get what I want done.  I have started doing my other job as swim club assistant along with running around sorting things for Billie as her exams are getting close, her prom too and we need to finish finding her outfit and Comic Con too with her costume still to create!!  We are making headway but all I seem to be doing is shopping, shopping and more shoppppingggggggggg!!  I'm exhausted!!!

More posts still to write so will try and get them done ASAP!!

See you again very soon!!


E x

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