Wednesday, 4 February 2015

2 weeks ago

Well I have decided to let you in on my latest news. 

It is quite hard to do this but I am hoping it will help get things off my chest.

So, 2 weeks ago, I went to the hospital with my hubbie, Mick, he had an appointment with a neurologist as he had been suffering with a tremor in his right hand. He has had it for over 2 years and was told by the GP that is was a relaxed tremor as it only occurred when he wasn't actually using it. Over the last 6 months or so it has gotten worse as he was having difficulty with writing and fine dexterity!

He has been diagnosed with the early stages of Parkinson's Disease. He is 54 years old and so is currently still working, he is a Gas Service Engineer and works for British Gas. He has found working quite difficult over the last few years or so as has suffered with back problems.  We now think it has been accentuated because of his Parkinsons.

He has been on his new medication for 2 weeks now and his dosage has just been increased, he doesn't seem to have any side effects so far, which is great, but it could take up to 6-8 months before his meds will be fully functioning and helping him.  They should reduce the tremor and the other effects of the disease he is showing!

I have been trying to get my head around it and now and then I have down days but I try not to show him how it is affecting me right now!  It has been quite a blow, as you can imagine, but with all the other things that have happened recently, it has been quite difficult to come to terms with.

I haven't quite worked out how he has taken it, I think in some ways he is relieved to find out why he has been so tired and suffering like he has over the last few years. It now has a name to it!!!

For me its the long term effects it will have on his and my life in the future!  That's the difficult part that I just can't get my head around.

But for now we have to get him through to his intended retirement plan of 5.5 years time when he becomes 60! The consultant says he can't see a problem with that, actually he thought he has a 10 year potential if he needed it.  So that is very hopeful!

So there we have it, that has been my last 2 weeks!!!

E x


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