Friday, 20 February 2015

Making Flowers with Laney Mead - Week7

Ah half term which means no kids for a week, nice rest and relaxation, well not including my daughter who isn't really a kid as she is 17 nearly 18 so still no kids for a week!!!!!

Right then, I was booked for a lesson with Laney of Izzybeads to learn how to make glass flowers and leaves on Tuesday of half term, this was my birthday present.

She lives quite a long way from me, she is in Hereford which is practically in Wales, about 4 hours drive away! I live in Bedfordshire!

Off I went Monday as I was staying the night in a hotel on the Monday so no driving on the Tuesday morning except for about 15mins down the road, but I was driving back that night after my lesson.  So a long day ahead.

I had a great time, we chatted on Monday into the night, catching up and sharing anecdotes and also showing me what we were going to tackle the next day!!!

I was really excited!! Her work is amazing!! I had been waiting to do this for a long while now so I really was going to enjoy myself but I was quite nervous too.

Here is what we both made, Laney's demo beads and mine mixed in together.

The yellow rose was my first ever rose with a white rosebud and different leaf shapes to start with, for practice of pulling different shaped petals/leaves. The other roses and the pansy are Laney's of course!

I had great fun, quite pleased with what I had achieved, so now I'm home I have lots of practising to do.

I recommend having lessons in lampworking especially if you want to improve your abilities, I learnt lots of tips as well as how to put the flowers together and Laney sent me some tutorials to practice with too.

Thank you Laney for such a fab time     xxx♥xxx     see you at FO in April.

Til next time


E x

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