Sometimes your mojo (inspiration/motivation) can leave you and you get despondent, not sure what to make or where you can get inspiration from. We all have those times and I am definitely no exception!!
From time to time I have a jewellery crisis and just don't want to make anything at all or worse don't know what to make or even what colours to use!
And yet I may feel the need to make some new jewellery for myself, as my design ideas keep changing and evolving, I wanted, no needed something new to wear especially when adding new items to my wardrobe, if I had a special occasion looming like a family wedding, a christening or maybe a special party or two ~ just a for instance. You MUST have something to go with your new outfit that co-ordinates, of course! And ultimately to show off new creations and new found technical prowess!
There’s nothing like a bit of self advertising is there!!!
So what to do???
So I would get out my sketch book and then look down at the blank page, rack my brains for ideas to come to me!! No joy!! I would just put unfinished items to one side after getting beads and materials out but can’t seem to find anything to work with!! Inevitably, I didn't make anything!
I have to say, I am lucky in some respects as I have more than one hobby/craft that I love to do but each one is linked to the other which can be an asset or sometimes a hinderance because my mojo is connected to both of them.
Right then, how about I make some beads instead! So off to my workshop to practice my beadmaking, maybe improve on my skills (which only practice will do!) My lack of confidence heightens when I am not at the torch very often, I do lose the will to try new things out but I need to go have a play!!!
It has been of great benefit to play, new shapes, what colours to try, shall I make sets or focals, or maybe some special designs like flowers or butterflies for instance! What glass to use, how about trying out some of the new glasses I just purchased, especially the Double Helix Silver rich glasses (oooohh LOVE them!!) so many new types coming along, I am getting behind the times!!
OH NO now I have a new mojo crisis, what BEADS to make!!!!
So here's the crunch question 'Where do I get my Inspiration from'????
Well this is a good place to start ~~~
1. Other peoples work ~ No, its not right at all to copy others work or 'nick' it as it were but it can inspire you to create your own ideas to work from.
For instance, colours they have used, the type of materials or their design style which could be very different from your own but you could see potential from it for your own work.
My Boho Bridal Neckpiece a tutorial piece for Beads and Beyond magazine,
this was inspired by one of Lilian Chen's designs I had seen in a US jewellery
I made it my own by adding beads and little tendrils and adding
chain to it too
These ‘work in progess’ Earrings were also inspired by some of
Lilian Chen's work and cultural background ~ Oriental/Asian
I have now scrapped this design as it was not working successfully ~
don’t be afraid to
change the design if elements are not succeeding, I felt this design
was not stable enough
and maybe a little dangerous to the wearer!
2. ART Inspiration is a good tool to inspire those creative juices! Go to the Library for art books, check out some of the famous artists ~ that you like or know of and just LOOK!!!! Doodle in a sketch book, what colours have they used ~ together, have they come from a design era that inspires you ~ Victorian, Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Pop Art, The Impressionists, Surrealists, the list goes on.
Just have some fun with it!!
This era of the early 20th Century still had Victorian
influences but you can see some current trends taking on this style today but
with a modern take on it.
At college we were told to brain storm ideas on a big piece of paper ~ put in a central idea/theme/word/historical era.
So say, for instance, we decided to use the words Art Deco we would then just throw down words that just come to mind, creating bubbles linked to bubbles to build up anything to do with Art Deco ~~
ie: Clarice Cliff ~ bright colours ~ stylised ~ trees ~ strong lines ~ plates ~ jugs ~ glasses
and so on...........
Love the geometrical shape to the cup handle
And the hexagonal plate shape is fab
it can then spark off other words/ideas from these!
I love bright colours so Cliff has often come into my mind just because of the colours she used in her designs.
The Art Deco period had very geometric lines, I have some Art Deco Lamps for you below the bottom left lamp is so typical of Art Deco.
Here is some Art Nouveau jewellery, this era is very recognisable for its lovely curvy style, flowers and clean lines.
Here you will see some jewellery by Murrle Bennett ~ gorgeous!
Sorry it was scanned on the skew

And this is an ornate buckle by Liberty
©These pages were taken from a book of Vintage jewellery of the 20th Century but I can’t remember its actual name
'Charles Rennie Macintosh' is another favourite of mine I love his stylised rose designs and when I started to make stained glass he was a very big influence.
3. Things around you that just jump out and grab you because you ~ like it!!
Everyday things in the street, in the park, driving along and what passes you on your travels and even things around your home or maybe something your children may be doing at school, history project, art project, even what they made in cookery class!! Who knows when inspiration can strike!
Historial ~ Cleopatra and her Asp - inspired by arm cuffs worn
by the Ancient Egyptians
4. Finally Nature, this is a very popular inspirational tool with many facets from seasons ~ colours to plant life ~ trees, leaves, flowers, etc., ocean/marine life ~ shells, fish to all sorts of organic shapes like rocks and mountain ranges, shapes, textures, smells, the list again goes on and on!! I just love to use this one and most people love these themes too.
colours a superb
I Love Trees
great textures
steampunk influence in what seems a tree/root structure
My Autumn Sunshine set was inspired by the colours of the season
So what it really boils down to is ~~ don’t give up, don't be afraid to experiment, find inspiration from anywhere and everywhere, believe in yourself and do some research, do some doodling and go do some footwork then ……
THINK ~ What’s next! NOT ~ I don't know what to do!!!
I hope it has been of little help if your mojo has gone walkabout, the up and coming season is a busy time of year when you really don't want it to wander off!!!!!
Have Fun!!
E x ♥
NB: Some of the photos are my own work, some are of other designers work or sourced from books.
time I will be covering: Part 2 ~~
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